
Chinese envoy calls for solidarity and cooperation to tackle global challenges

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) — A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called for the recognition of solidarity and cooperation as the most powerful weapon to tackle global challenges.

In today’s global village, the close ties that bind countries together dictate that mankind has a common destiny. There is a need to develop a sense of community of shared future instead of a sense of small groups or zero-sum thinking, said Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations.

Global threats and challenges require stronger global responses. Multilateralism must be preserved, and the role of the United Nations must be strengthened, he told a Security Council high-level debate on “drivers of conflict and insecurity.”

China always believes that all countries, big or small, should enjoy equal rights and equal opportunities, and follow the same rules in international affairs. All countries should uphold the purpose and principles of the UN Charter, safeguard the international system with the United Nations at its core, and maintain the international order based on international law, he said.

The Security Council, the General Assembly, and other bodies of the United Nations should fulfill their respective mandates and complement one another. The United Nations should strengthen its coordination with regional and sub-regional organizations and form synergy in order to jointly tackle risks of conflict and factors for instability, he said.

Major countries bear a special duty for the maintenance of international stability, and the permanent members of the Security Council should play an exemplary role. At this crucial moment when the world is facing immense risks and challenges, the Security Council should remain united and avoid division. In particular, big countries should act as such, and lead by example. They should take the lead in promoting international solidarity and cooperation in providing global public goods and in making contributions to overcoming global challenges, he said.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for a global cease-fire by the end of the year, he noted.

It is impossible to achieve peace by waiting for its arrival. There is a need for concrete actions. At this important juncture, the UN member states should reaffirm their commitment to lasting peace and security for all, and embark on a new journey toward a better common future, said Zhang.

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