Contestants participate in a robotics competition for middle and primary school students in Jimo District of Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, Nov. 29, 2020. The robotics competition has 20 categories, attracting more than 300 middle and primary student contestants from across Jimo District. (Photo by Liang Xiaopeng/Xinhua)
Contestants participate in a robot rescue match during a robotics competition for middle and primary school students in Jimo District of Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, Nov. 29, 2020. The robotics competition has 20 categories, attracting more than 300 middle and primary student contestants from across Jimo District. (Photo by Liang Xiaopeng/Xinhua)
Contestants participate in a robot rescue match during a robotics competition for middle and primary school students in Jimo District of Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, Nov. 29, 2020. The robotics competition has 20 categories, attracting more than 300 middle and primary student contestants from across Jimo District. (Photo by Liang Xiaopeng/Xinhua)
Contestants participate in a drone match during a robotics competition for middle and primary school students in Jimo District of Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, Nov. 29, 2020. The robotics competition has 20 categories, attracting more than 300 middle and primary student contestants from across Jimo District. (Photo by Liang Xiaopeng/Xinhua)
Photo taken on Nov. 29, 2020 shows robots dancing during a robotics competition for middle and primary school students in Jimo District of Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province. The robotics competition has 20 categories, attracting more than 300 middle and primary student contestants from across Jimo District. (Photo by Liang Xiaopeng/Xinhua)
Contestants participate in a robot soccer match during a robotics competition for middle and primary school students in Jimo District of Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, Nov. 29, 2020. The robotics competition has 20 categories, attracting more than 300 middle and primary student contestants from across Jimo District. (Photo by Liang Xiaopeng/Xinhua)