
Three ex-lawmakers in Hong Kong arrested over disturbing LegCo order

HONG KONG, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) — Hong Kong police on Wednesday said they arrested three men who allegedly created disturbance that had interrupted the proceedings of the Legislative Council (LegCo) earlier this year.

They were suspected of committing the crime of contempts according to the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance and the crime of administering or attempting to administer noxious thing with intent to injure, aggrieve, or annoy others according to the Offences against the Person Ordinance, the police said.

Local media said the suspects are former opposition lawmakers Ted Hui, Raymond Chan and Chu Hoi-dick.

The police said they received calls from the LegCo secretariat on May 28 and June 4, reporting that some people splashed foul-smelling liquid to the rostrum. There were two people reporting physical discomfort on May 28. The case was followed up by the investigative team of the police. After consultations with the Department of Justice, the police arrested the three people on Wednesday.

The second and third readings of the National Anthem Bill were held at the LegCo chamber on May 28 and June 4, respectively.

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